Monday, May 21, 2007

twenty four

a few things i'm thinking about today...
-i abhor history and am praying for something about it to interest me so i don't fail the class
-my mental health psych class is exactly what i thought it would be and i love it
-if i dislike writing almost as much as i don't like math, and i hate math almost as much as i abhor history, why the heck did i decide to take them all in the same semester?
-but on the plus side, my writing professor flirts with me so it may help get me a better grade if i flirt back a tiny bit, and today i realized that there's totally potential with a cutie in my math class, so really my only issue is with having history at 7:30 in the morning three times a week...once again, what was i thinking?!
-in other news, a friend and i have decided to dissolve our friendship and i'm not really sure if its because of her having a hard time not being in the caretaking role, or if its because i no longer go to church...maybe its both. anyway, i hope its the former because i think the latter is a ridiculous reason not to be friends with someone. whatevs.
-i got a call from the woman doing the documentary i'm in and i'm not even sure if i want to do it anymore. i would feel bad backing out at this point though cuz i've already comitted to it and she's super excited. we'll see what happens i guess...
-and finally, i don't know what it is about this blog that is such a release for me, but its fantastic. i try to pretend that no one reads it (even though my profile view log shows otherwise), cuz then i can say what i'm thinking without feeling the need to change my tone depending on my anticipated audience. i can't even do this in therapy, so i'm not sure why i'm still even going.

so if you're reading, welcome. and if you're not, that's okay cuz as selfish as it sounds, i'm not writing it for you. it's for me.

judge if you will.
its your call.

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