yet another post in which no tale tells all...
it begins and ends with the age old:
it's a small world after all.
and as much as i'm laughing out loud in a empty house by myself,
my heart is pounding.
funny how i just posted about being over him,
and yet it feels as though my heart has just been ripped out.
what a small world indeed.
The lawn boy was hot, and just think there are a lot of lawns out there. It is summertime, you have hot legs in hot shorts (out of standards, but that makes them even hotter)
Oh this comment comes from the MRS. not the MR., just incase anyone reads this.
We love you LaLa
i feel like a traitor!
Hey I found you too!! Not sure who your post refers to or anything, but you sure are an amazing writer. Hope all's well!
So I have really been thinking about the thing that does not deserve you thinking about it. The saying "have your cake and eat it too." Well someone does not know how much you (we) could care less about cake, just give us the ice cream.
If you are wondering what to do with the cake, throw it all over the things face. As for the thing, that cupcake will never live up to the cake. Why else does it keep calling the bakery?
Chocolate Malted Almond anyone?
I agree, no more cake-long live ice cream! Any not just any kind of ice cream...DELICIOUS ice cream. Utah county anyone?
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