Tuesday, August 7, 2007

fifty five

stop in the middle of an intersection, even if you have a green light, just because traffic has backed up... be surprised at the bruises after falling down a flight of concrete stairs... park and leave your car in the middle of a drive thru banking lane... hold grudges... work two jobs while doing full time school... assume that the man having a full diabetic seizure is just your stupid big brother trying to wake everyone up... let your phone continue to ring in the middle of the night and be too lazy to get up an turn it off, its just bad etiquette... assume that your skin NEVER burns in the sun... let a 1 year old hold on to his own slurpee in your car... honk randomly at people on the street just to be obnoxious... let your kids zoom around in golf carts if they aren't of legal age to operate a motorized vehicle... wear a white tank top to a muddy day of white water rafting... attempt to rent the bourne identity or the bourne supremacy the week its sequel comes out in theatres... assume a guy's too old for you... tell yourself he's not attracted to you just because he doesn't try to take advantage of you... take sides with anyone unless you're willing to defend that opinion to the death... tell yourself that nothing really matters. its always a lie.

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