Saturday, August 18, 2007

sixty one

trace moved back to cali today and i'm so bummed! although it does give me a new reason to go play down in SoCal! hooray! i think she made the right choice since she really missed her family and has the chance to get free schooling through cal-grants down there, but i'm really gonna miss her! i wish we had time to play before she left! anyway, good luck to t. just eat okay silly?! haha

...suda sa suda sa suda sa sa suda sa!...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you so much lana. you better be out here as much as possible. i'm coming to utah as much as my car will allow... mom thinks i need a new one. yikes. no money! anyway, i love you billy. don't you dare stop calling me or i'll shoot you.


suda sa suda sa suda sa sa suda sa....

that's hot bitch