Saturday, March 22, 2008

one hundred forty four

it's been said-
that i'm apparently intimidating.
this blows me away.
i consider myself to be far more intimidated than intimidating.
a few people have theories.
it's been said-
that i appear to be so put together in order to mask my insecurities.
no shocker, but isn't that normal?
its been said-
that boys are scared to talk to me.
that it's because of my choice in car and clothes.
what does that have to do with anything?!
truth is, i'm terrified of them.
don't castigate me.
just allow me to blend in with the crowd.
the end goal is my heart intact.
apparently my way of laying low really just makes me come off as grandiloquent,
which is definitely not my intention.
magniloquent at times? yes.
but grandiloquent? no.
its also been said-
that as much as i try,
im not the kind of a person who has the option of disappearing in a crowd.
well why not?!
that notion scares me to death.
so let me get this straight...
i'm not able to disappear,
and my only seeming option is being regarded (though extremely incorrectly) as a pretentious bitch?
i just don't think that sounds very fair.
no wonder i'm scared to make new friends-
i'm told right off the bat that no one would want to approach me!
this is very unsettling to me
because i know i'm not really like that at all.
so, tell me...
how the heck do i change this false and wretched persona?
i want a new one because this one is


KC said...

love this poem! people say I sometimes come across as stuck up...and intimidating...I hate it. I don't feel that way either :( Just scared and stand-offish.

Shannon said...

Wow. I doubt everyone feels this way about you. I met you under rather different than normal circumstances, but I immediately liked you and thought we could be friends. You seemed very approachable and outgoing. I hope that you dont have too many bad experiences with people not seeing the real you cause even with whatever problems, the real you rocks! :) Love ya!

brie said...

Alana, I understand. I've been told in retrospect that there were so many guys in high school that liked me, but never dared talk to me and ask me out because I seemed snobby. Snobby?! Depressed and consumed with Ed, yes, but snobby, no!! Even girls in CFC have said that about me...that they didn't want to get to know me because I seemed standoffish. This has always hurt me, and I'm not sure how to change it, because of course we know we can't change others, only ourself. I don't think there's a darn thing you need to change - what I've learned to do is to not have pre-conceived notions about others, to give them the benefit of the doubt as I so wish everyone would do for me. If people are too judgemental or lame to get to know you or me, that's their loss, not ours. I loves you.

Hailey Happens said...

Don't change who you are! People need to chill. It is just because your pretty and driven that people are intimidated. Let them get over it!

blake and mckelle said...

Alana...How in the world are you? It's been forever! What are you up to, doing,living, everything?

Savannah said...

Oh dear...I'm sorry that people feel that way. Why would someone be afraid to talk to you? That's crazy speak.

I don't think that someone as amazing as you will ever just "blend in with the crowd." I completely understand where you're coming from on this one though. I have no understanding of why people would think that someone with our insecurities could be intimidating. Another thing that wows me is why in the heck should what your wearing have anything to do with someone having a conversation...this world is crazy.

Thank you very much for the comment on my blog. I was going to talk about it with Carrie, but I got nervous. I just get nervous talking about anything so I don't know why I didn't just do it. haha! Well, have a great day, and please know that I love you very much and would never feel uncomfortable going to you with anything. Bye hun!

Cary said...

My dearest Tink. I have never known you to be such a writer! Each time I check your blog I am impressed by the accurate way you describe your feelings. I love it!
You are a sweetheart and people that get to know you know that. I sure do.