Friday, February 15, 2008

one hundred thirty three

my friend rachsticle posted this about herself on her blog yesterday and simply entitled it "valentine." it is so gut quiveringly hilarious that i feel the compulsive need to copy it onto mine for any one and everyone to read. this one sentence was the best part of my entire day:

"Who would not want a girl who wears nose strips and a retainer at night, has a sleep apnea mask, and participates in a twice daily nasal flush?"

the best part- i know rachel and it is 100% true. way to be okay with who you are rach! you are one of the few people that can make me laugh so hard i cry- even without seeing you face to face!

ps briezy... nose bidets (click here for video demonstration) are on sale at wild oats for like $13 but i forgot to tell you when i saw them there last week. let me know if you get one because i want to watch this process go down in real life!


brie said...

Who is Rachsticle? Is she from CFC?
Um, yeah. We really need to head on over to Wild Oats for a nose bidet! I'm totally in!

Rachsticle said...

I love you! You are a gemsticle! THat nasal flush really does the body good! I need to meet this brie character!