Wednesday, February 6, 2008

one hundred twenty nine

meet the all new 2008 lexus LX 470. pretty huh? its the beautiful, starts at $74,000, SUV that i slid into as i attempted to back out of my driveway in the snow this morning. bummer. so i came to a stop resting against it, unable to pull back up the driveway due to the incline, and also unable to open my door enough to climb out and assess the damage. so of course i have no choice but to call my dad and say that i'm stuck now that i've backed into his company car, and let me tell you, he has never gotten out of bed so fast in his life! things ended up being okay since i was sliding so slowly, but it was still a super stressful way to start the day! i about had a panic attack!

on a funny note, KBLL93 is having a contest called "Bait Your Mate," giving away an all expenses paid wedding at Cabela's fish and game warehouse on Valentine's Day. How romantic. nothing like saying "I Do" while surrounded by fishing tackle and mounted deer heads, huh? well in order to win this wonderful experience of a lifetime, couples need to call in and share the story of their relationship that lead to their engagement. I personally vote for the couple on air today whose courtship began with meeting online, meeting for dinner at rumbi's, driving around town, and ending the night by strolling around the local walmart. their relationship blossomed and she was delighted when one night (after a trip to the walmart once again) he was getting into her car, bent down outside of her driverside door and proposed. yep, these folks are the real deal! a convenient place to propose really, because had she said no, he could have walked right back inside with the reciept in hand to do the return!! thankfully she said yes. the clencher to this poetic tale- that she is marrying the first boyfriend she ever had. their meeting was in fact her first date! how old was this lass on that fateful night, you may inquire? 39 years old. as cade would say, WOW.


Abby said...

More driving trauma? Augh! Hm... I haven't dated much; maybe I still have hope. But if it involves Wal-Mart, believe me, I will pass. Anyway, I don't believe this story for a second, but it gives me such a laugh! Thanks, Alana!

alana.rachelle said...

abby i'm dead serious it is a real story! what's not to believe?! haha

brie said...

Well, your bacon was saved that time...YOU ARE LUCKY! Haha you should tell her dad that since you saved him several grand with the insurance policy, he should go buy you those 500 buck boots you've been wanting. It's cheaper, right? ;)